We are NetworkerSs!

We are NetworkerSs!

About Me

Networker's life is unbelievable! If you are in comfort zone now, pls, wake up and smell the coffee. DO your best! And then SUCCESS !!

October ' s Calender

12th November 2010
*Bonanza early bird END

21th January 2011
*Bonanza END

Basic TraininG
Date 3th Nov 2010
Time :8pm Sharp

Advance Training

Date :17th Nov 2010
Time :8pm Sharp

Joint Business Presentation

Date :18th Nov 2010
Time :8pm Sharp
Venue:Crystal Crown Hotel

Chinese Business Presentation

Date :25th Nov 2010
Time :8pm Sharp
Venue:Crystal Crown Hotel

Bonanza rule3 network Support seminar

Date :28th Nov 2010
Time :2pm Sharp
Venue:Hilton Hotel KL

Sunday, July 4, 2010

V-CON sharingS

I would like to share about "being a kid". Actually we should compare ourselves to a Kid. When people ask us about our dream, we got lag time there. When we ask a Kid, they can say whatever they want because there so ambitious. I feel that we should be a kid sometime. Because being a kid, our cup is empty because being a kid we don't know anything. We just do what we are asked to do. This I respect towards the children..

-Jien Howe

NICK VUJICIC: " A child that born wif No limbs doesn't mean anything, he pity those that had a broken heart child from a broken family."
Me:" A child that born wif broken heart doesn't mean anything, i pity those that giving up themself for some rediculous excuses!"

-Choo Yee Wei Rebecca

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for whole lifetime :P "
putting in into my name card :D

-FreeZz Teo

Challenge = Opportunity.

-Angie Ngu

If you're not changing today, you're dying today.

-Tee Wee Long

Success = Revenge! Muahaha

-Henry Wong

Life is about getting the FREEDOM i want, i must fight for it, but i wont forget LOVE cos most important of tat is LOVE.. I don't want to bcum BLIND bcos of FREEDOM, I don't want to bcum like the father in the story, regretting for his action beating his little boy,making his boy's fingers amputated just bcos the boy scratched his new car without realizing wat the boy scratch

-Kiki Feenzy

Faith= Full ansurance in the heart

-Simon Cheung

LIFE = Live If Fear Empty

-Kevin Lee

DATO: SMILE is the easiest thing, but alot of people forgot to smile because of the challenges in life. SMILE and everything gonna be fine.
SATHI: What relationship you have with Qnet? It will lead you to the path of success.

-Siao Fei L

The beauty of life is not about how happy we are,
but is about happy others are because of us..
Raise yourself to help mankind~

-Yan Ping

Japa Bismark:"Don't choose who to show the business to; let the person choose whether to join"

-Kevin Wong

we are 1, Are u with me!!!

-Simon Cheung

I would like to share the story from Mr. Sathi:
There was a little boy who waits to see the sunrise. So, he wake up early in the morning to wait for it. while he was waiting, he saw some little dirt on the window and he clean it. he saw another dirt, he clean it and the cleaning goes on. then he use a cloth to clean the whole window. after that, he realize that the sun had already risen. (dirt = problems)
i reflect myself in this story. no matter how dirty is the window, im gonna focus on the sunrise. there's no use focus on the dirt, it will just slow me down.
Nick Vujicic window is very dirty, cant even see through. but he see the sunrise through a small hole. he can do it, why cant i do it. =D

-Rachel Lee

Dont forget to self-reflect & question yourself when the "SAME" dirt keep popping out!
Is there any mistake that YOU keep REPEATING without u knowing it?
Cheers... =)

-Hseyrann Chang

Someone ask : " Dato how to come out from comfort zone?"

Dato asnwer : " You just come out from it!! BABA...."

-Tan Horng Sheng

1 comment:

  1. Smile and everything gonna be fine. It's work!

    I meet a person for first time and she is a agent (nice women).
    She: "Why don't you buy Insurance for yourself and family? and it really important, dont you think so?".
    Me: "Yea... I wish too but I cant afford it and even my daily cost will be the problem for me".=)
    She: "Seriously!!! You are kidding right?"
    Me: "Nope,it's true" =)
    She: (Widen her eyes) "Huh??Really?Why are you smiling? I think you are just joking, so positive! Lol"

    So....SMILE =)
